Cimagine Media has created an augmented reality system dubbed 360° Super Reality that operates without the need for any physical markers. Images are fed from the camera of the device which are continuously processed and, with the help of the devices internal sensors, it is able to superimpose text and images onto the natural environment.
The result is a near reality visualisation of a virtual product - realistically rendered to maintain scale and position - using live video as well as saved scenes.
The system is aimed at retail applications and seeks to build upon catalogue technology where users can see how a product will look in a particular space. Once a 3D model of a product has been rendered and uploaded Cimagine's cloud servers, users can view the object from all angles and distances within their chosen space. The AR object can also be touched and accurately manipulated onscreen to establish the best arrangement for it within the environment.
Users access the products via a free companion app which covers all retailers using the technology. It is currently running only on the iOS platform but Cimagine are working on providing Android support.
The Israeli company states on their website that they believe 360° Super Reality “allows AR to become a mainstream tool for augmented commerce as it makes AR finally usable and useful without any related burdens on the end user.â€
Cimagine Media is to begin service rollouts of the AR technology with some customers in the UK and Israel next month.