UK internet speed lags behind Europe

UK internet speed lags behind Europe
A new study by shows that the mainland UK’s average internet speed is lagging behind other European nations, dropping from 34th place in 2019 to 47th place in 2020, lagging behind other European countries such as Spain (30th place), Romania (26th place) and the Netherlands (11th pace).

The analysis was carried out by, tracking broadband speed measurements in 207 countries and territories across multiple 12-month periods to generate an ‘average’ global speed and to measure how the average varies over time. The rankings are based off of a country’s mean average download speed and how long it would take to download a 5GB HD movie using that country’s average speed. 

The mainland UK’s inability to keep pace was blamed by on the country’s slow start to rolling out fibre to the premises (FTTP), an area which a number of other European countries at a more advanced stage of rolling out FTTP than the mainland UK. 

Conversely, two UK territories in Europe ranked among the highest in the world for average internet speed, with the UK island of Jersey boasting the second fastest average internet speed in the world while also being the first global jurisdiction to make FTTP available to every broadband user on the island, increasing from third place to second place from 2019-2020. 

The territories with the fastest internet speed in the world are all small in size with low populations, with Liechtenstein topping the world table followed by the UK territory of Jersey, Andorra and the UK territory of Gibraltar.'s findings can be found here. 


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