Strong turnout at 2012 AV Networking Congress

Strong turnout at 2012 AV Networking Congress
Organisers claim over 100 people attended a full day of informative panel discussions and presentations, held on the first day of ISE 2012.

The event tackled some of today’s most pressing digital media networking topics with leading AV networking AV design consultants, and manufacturers.

Derrick Zieba, sound designer and moderator of the “Stadiums and Large Venues” panel discussion commented, "With the increasing use of networked audio in one-off concerts, installations and theatres, a forum such as this is becoming an essential requirement for all who consider themselves sound professionals in this industry"

The daylong event was sponsored by ASL, Audinate, Bosch Communication Systems, Peavey Commercial Audio/Media Matrix, TC Group International’s Lab.gruppen-Tannoy-Lake, and Yamaha Commercial Audio along with five of Europe’s top audio consultants.

Panel discussions covered such topics as Deploying Audio Networks for University Campus Environments, Stadiums and Large Venues, Voice Alarm and Evacuation Systems and How Digital Media Networking is changing the Face of Theater Production. Technical presentations describing the new Open Control Architecture (OCA) and the Evolution of Audio/Video Transport were given by industry experts.

Jean Marandet, an Electro-Voice distributor in France and a Congress attendee said, “This event was very positive. I had heard about Omneo and wanted to learn more about it. The explanations were clear and easy to understand.” Marandet also said, “It was very interesting to see how Stadium and Evacuation projects are handled in different countries.”

Ethan Wetzell, Platform Strategist for Bosch Communications Systems remarked, "We were delighted to be involved with the 2012 AV Networking Congress this year. The event had outstanding attendance and included some of the most significant names in the pro audio world. The format of the event focused on the real issues and applications of our industry today, and the discussions and presentations were invaluable to all who attended.”

“The exciting thing about this seminar was listening to the 15 panelists describe the benefits of digital media networking with real world examples of major installations,” commented Lee Ellison, CEO of Audinate, the creator of Dante. “In fact, the seminar was connected and recorded using Dante networking, including large networked live demonstrations of equipment from Yamaha, MediaMatrix, Tannoy, Lab.gruppen, Lake, Steinberg and ASL.”

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