AVI-SPL hosts London TechEvent

AVI-SPL hosts London TechEvent
AVI-SPL hosted its TechEvent in London, UK, bringing end users, consultants and manufacturers together for a networking and learning opportunity.

The talks, provided by a range of AV equipment suppliers, highlighted the latest products available in the UC environment. Adam Wilson, director and co-founder of Intevi, pointed out the move towards the flexible office eco-system, explaining that 78% of employees are looking for flexible work hours. Alex Brown, enterprise UC regional manager, Crestron identified Microsoft Teams as the “operating system of the future” as Microsoft collaboration platforms reach their end of life stage. He hypothesised a transition towards Teams as 48% of organisations identify cloud-based services as providing a superior cost model against traditional deployment methods.

A number of manufacturers showcased their latest products including Peerless-AV, Christie, Chief, Harman Sennheiser, Barco, NEC and more. 


The closing key note was provided by Daniel Rogers, VP global alliance channels, AVI-SPL, discussing the move to a transient workforce by 2025 and creating a digital workforce, highlighting the changes of working patterns and environments in the office environment and how the office environment of the 2020’s will be consumed by end users. 

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