OLED displays could get efficiency boost thanks to new electrode

OLED displays could be far more energy efficient if they wasted less light, and researchers from the University of Michigan think they’ve found a way to do just that.

Scientists at the American university developed an electrode they say can free up 20% more light from OLED by preventing light being trapped.

That’s a big deal when about 80% of light produced by an OLED never makes it outside the device due to an effect called waveguiding.

To combat that the research team replaced a transparent electrode, usually made from indium tin oxide (ITO) with a layer of 5 nanometer thick silver, deposited on a seed layer of copper.

The ITO layer is one of the biggest contributors to the waveguiding effect and replacing it delivered positive results; electrode function was maintained, while waveguiding in the OLED layers was eliminated.

Via University of Michigan

Photo shows Changyeong Jeong, PhD Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, handling an ultrathin Ag film based OLED inside Professor Jay Guo’s lab. Photo: Robert Coelius/Michigan Engineering

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