DISPLAX have just broken a record! We are announcing the biggest TOUCH VIDEOWALL in the world is now live in Hong Kong and it's powered by DISPLAX Ultra Large Touchscreens. Touch displays that never end, allow dozens of people to collaborate. It´s huge!
There is a tremendous growth of the videowall market with a 15% CAGR growth projected until 2028. Videowalls create high impact, but rarely are touchable. The magnitude of applications brings to life the need to improve the user experience and create immersive Digital Experiences with bright, sharp and professional displays.
The touch videowall project that has just been installed at THEi Campus, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong with DISPLAX uses 48 tiled seamless displays applied in landscape forming a 20 meter long videowall with 100 million pixels! This creates an immersive collaboration experience being innovative and long, benefiting from the 1.8 mm supper narrow border display bezel.
DISPLAX customized the touchscreen to fit this super special project installed by one Certified Integrator. Our touchscreen production process was ready for this project and we are now ready to take others that involve videowalls because we can adapt our touchscreen foils to bespoke projects. This project showcases what will be happening in the videowall industry in the next years!
Imagine new applications and opportunities that will be developed after this successful and challenging project. At this Hong Kong research center users can now collaborate, learn, explore and share science, discussing it live onsite with their colleagues. The software will be evolving and will be continuously updated to reinforce the live nature of the contents presented.
"It´s a great honour for DISPLAX to collaborate in radical innovation of this type, bringing to life challenges that others doubt are possible. Pushing boundaries is what made DISPLAX successful and innovation is our DNA; we are proud of that and will keep this path to continue to grow in expanding markets such as Signage and Collaboration”, mentioned Miguel Fonseca, DISPLAX CEO.