Visionary has announced PacketAV Duet wallplate encoders, one featuring Bluetooth (DuetE-WP-BT) and the other featuring HDMI only connectivity (DuetE-WP-H).
The DuetE-WP-BT combines 4K UHD video and Dante/AES67 audio embedding and de-embedding over a single gigabit ethernet (PoE) port, with built-in Bluetooth wireless audio connectivity.
The DuetE-WP-BT supports bi-directional smartphone connectivity via Bluetooth for web conference soft-codec AV integration, while removing the need for separate bridging hardware.
The PacketAV Duet wallplate encoders fit into a two-gang, US or UK-style back box without additional electrical box modification. The PacketAV Duet Wallplate Encoders mount into standard Decora-style wallplates for use in a wall, tabletop, lectern, or floor box. The 45-degree Ethernet connector enables access from any side of the electrical box while providing bend radius relief for category cables. The Duet Wallplate Encoders feature a single Ethernet port with internal VLAN tagging capability to separate audio and video network traffic as needed.