Video wall for high traffic spaces

Planar’s Clarity Matrix has become the first video wall to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards.

The Clarity Matrix LCD Video Wall System with the EasyAxis mounting system which measures 3.6 inches in total depth, surpasses the stringent Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirement for protruding objects of less than 4 inches.
Planar says it is the only video wall supplier in the world to meet this important safety legislation.
Previously, end users who wanted to incorporate eye-level digital video walls into their environments had to consider the additional expense of recessing the displays into existing walls or building cabinetry in order to meet ADA accessibility guidelines in buildings and facilities.
Often these are high traffic public environments, like sports arenas and airport terminals, where unprotected LCD’s can be damaged by passers by, resulting in increased service and maintenance costs.

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