TVOne has released v2.2 software for Coriomaster and Coriomaster mini that includes features including "immediate mode" for edge-blending and video monitor placement to occur in real time.
New test generator patterns are designed to help with system configuration and Ease in & Ease Out, for smooth and natural transitions.
Upgrades include the ability to undo and redo configuration changes/settings in Wall Editor and support for undo and redo in Edge Blend Mode. Wall Editor selection can also be undone and redone as part of the revision history.
A change to Window Snapping snaps to Display Viewable area only. Test Pattern - Global on and off option is also now included.
Added Network Settings can be viewed in the settings tab, input cropping can be handled via window properties pane. When logging in, new prompts have been added for Read, Send, or Just Connect to the Device.