Shure launches Systemon version 3.1 audio asset management software

Shure has launched its latest version of SystemOn audio asset management software, supporting DSP products and networked microphones while allowing users a 360-degree view of inventory.

Version 3.1 monitors device health and history, tracking network connectivity, low battery status, RF performance and audio levels.

Users can access additional Shure products supported through Version 3.1 of the Systemon software, with the new version supporting Shure’s ULX-D digital wireless sytem, Microflex Advance MXA910 ceiling array, MXA310 table array microphones and more.

SystemOn 3.1 now supports Shure’s ULX-D® Digital Wireless System, Microflex® Advance™ MXA910 Ceiling Array and MXA310 Table Array Microphones, P300 IntelliMix® Audio Conferencing Processor, ANIUSB-MATRIX USB Audio Network Interface, and SCM820 Automatic Mixer.

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