ScreenBeam has integrated a new feature into its Central Management System Enterprise (CMS-E) that allows CMS administrators to interrupt sessions with notifications.
ScreenBeam Alert supports pre-emptive interruption of presentations, teaching sessions, conferences, and digital signage with important and time-sensitive announcements.
Only CMS-E administrators have access to send and stop urgent notifications and, dependent on installation architecture, can select an entire network, or specific sites, and groups.
Possible alerts could be severe weather warnings, building security threats or fire alarms. The notifications interrupt presentations, displaying a full red screen and the alert information. Receivers must be reset by the CMS-E administrator, manually, or by a timed reset.
Clear text field messaging allows the CMS-E administrator to follow any prescribed script or notification that is scenario dependent. Multiple alerts can be used for complex situations for real-time awareness.
ScreenBeam Alert functions come free with the latest update to CMS-E included with the ScreenBeam 1100 Plus and 1000 EDU receivers.