RGBlink releases D4 4K platform ’‹

RGBlink has launched its D4 4K switcher and scaler platform, offering multiple operation models and supporting multiple 4K@60 Hz signal switching and scaling.

RGBlink SmartSlot technology is used, allowing the D4 to offer a variety of signal options including HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort 1.2 and 12G SDI, with HDMI 2.0 outputs and duplicated ports to support additional HDMI, DisplayPort and 12G-SDI connections.

Genlock In support allows real-time synchronisation across video system devices, with system modes including switcher mode for preview-to-program operations, splicing mode for up to 8Kx2K output, Dual4K mode with independent output operations.

Pixel to pixel scaling is available and in standard program/monitor mode, with the option for 4K PIP to be utilised.

RGBLink 2

Onboard features are included, such as multiple rotation in 90deg increments as well as flip/mirror and a range of image enhancements and adjustment controls.

The D4 provides support for HDR signals, with YUV 4:4:4 colour space and high bandwidth processing.

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