Revolabs has expanded its Elite Wired range of conferencing microphones to feature local and external control and a LED status indicator.
“Our new microphones allow mute to be toggled locally using a button on the microphone itself, as well as remotely through an external control system,” commented Jim Fairweather, executive vice president of global sales at Revolabs.
A five-wire microphone has also been introduced to provide local control of push-to-talk, push-to-mute, and mute toggle control, as well as integration with DSP systems for programmable remote mute control. The model incorporates an LED to show if devices are live or muted.
The potential for a hybrid-mic setup now allows operators to increase the maximum number of microphones implemented in an area.
The microphones are available in directional and omnidirectional models, as well as 6-in or 12-in gooseneck models.