RCF has debuted its MXR 4500 series digital master units, a range of DSP-based voice alarm master units designed for rack installation.
?Part of the DXT 4000 line, all MXR units are DSP-based and equipped with up to six RCF Class D+ power amplifiers, capable of delivering up to 500 W through 100 V or 70 V constant voltage lines. The range also includes the capability of configuring one amplifier as a backup for other units, with automatic replacement in case of failure.
Certified for EN 54-16 and EN54-4, the range consists of the MXR 4500/6 master unit (six amplifiers, 500W), MXR 4500/4 (four amplifiers, 500W) and the MXR 4500/2 (two amplifiers, 500W).
The system can be expanded by connecting up to eight units via the IE 3008 interlink card, standard on DXT 4000 units and optional on DXT 3000 models. The system is designed for connection using J-type fire-resistant cables for emergency consoles and unit linkages for improved reliability and safety in any configuration.
The MXR 4500 unit serves as the core of the DXT 4000 voice alarm system, supporting two, four or six independent zones, with the onboard DSP platform adding environmental equalisation for voice intelligibility and background music performance optimisation.