Peerless-AV has created mounting systems for the LG Ultra Stretch 86BH5C 86-in display, including single to quad totem kiosks and flat-to-wall mounts.
The products are designed to make the most of the display’s 58:9 widescreen and are targeted at retail stores, commercial buildings, visitor attractions and transportation terminals.
Peerless-AV’s LG-WMF86BH flat-to-wall mount holds the LG 86BH5C in landscape or portrait orientation and offer a close-to-wall fit of 24.5mm.
The totem kiosk for the LG 86BH5C is available to hold one, two, three or four displays – KIP586-1LG(-S)-EUK, KIP586-2LG(-S)-EUK, KIP586-3LG(-S)-EUK and KIP586-4LG(-S)-EUK.
The kiosks arrive fully assembled and have rubber coated casters and padded feet. There is an opening in the base for cables and media players and they have internal thermostat controlled exhaust fans.