NTi introduces noise monitoring station with remote control

NTi Audio has introduced a noise monitoring station, to handle both short-term sound level measurements and long-term monitoring.

At the core is an XL2 Sound Level Meter, which in turn connects to the Internet via a NetBox. The remote access to the monitoring station is directly via the NTi Audio Gateway or the self-managing NoiseScout Web Portal.

The XL2 Sound Level Meter is suitable for professional noise measurements. The NetBox serves as an interface for the control of the XL2 and the remote access to the measured data. The monitoring station is connected to the Internet via 3G, LAN or Wi-Fi.

The Noise Monitoring Station is operated in either Gateway mode or Managed mode. In Gateway mode, the user can download the broadband levels, 1/3 octave levels, and the audio recording as a WAV file via a gateway server to the XL2. Access to the measured values is through a secure FTP connection from any computer. All original data is available for download during the ongoing measurement. In addition, the live levels can be fetched directly from the XL2 in real-time.

In Managed mode, the XL2 is configured via the NoiseScout web portal. Access to the measured values is therefore through a browser from any desktop computer or smartphone. In addition, automatically generated emails alert the user to any limits exceeded at the measuring location. The web portal presents the live level and historical levels in intervals specified by the user. If several monitoring stations are operated at the same time, all locations are displayed together in a Google Maps view.

Whichever mode is chosen the analysis and post-processing of the measured data is neatly done with the Data Explorer PC-software. The software presents an overview of all noise data at a glance and allows for individualised presentation of measurement reports.

The M2230-WP is a weather-protected microphone designed for outdoor measurements. The noise monitoring station is supplied with a weatherproof protective case or wall-mounted cabinet.

The XL2 ‘Remote Measurement Option’ is required for the real-time remote access to the measured levels on the XL2. The complete command set for remote access is documented in a user manual. The XL2 ‘Data Explorer Option’ allows you to import the measurement data into the XL2 Data Explorer PC-software.

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