Clockaudio has launched two new products for use in the boardroom environment. The new touch-sensitive Litetouch device, and the Retracta series.
The Litetouch comprises a dual-colour Halo ring and switch combination that can be used with the full range of Clockaudio’s through-table products. It allows users to identify the status of microphones, as well as mute the units for privacy.
The switch has no moving parts and is touch sensitive. There are therefore no clicking noises when switching from one status to another. The switch and the Halo have been designed to operate with third part electronic control systems, so an integrator is free to assign function and LED colour.
The Retractor Series of microphones features Clockaudio’s boundary layer microphone, which can now be pressed down into the boardroom table when they are not in use, leaving a virtually flush-lit low profile. A built-in mechanism allows the user to make the microphone disappear without having to physically remove it from the table.