Bosch Security Systems is introducing an EVAC-compliant, modular ceiling- loudspeaker range with a single grille size and single set of speaker accessories to simplify ordering, storage and installation.
The range offers a choice of four drivers distinguished by input power, opening angle and sound reproduction. It includes two 6 W single-cone drivers offering a choice of normal or wide opening angle, and two coaxial driver loudspeaker with maximum power ratings of 12 W and 24 W.
The company is also introducing a new ‘smart’ packaging concept with the accessories and speaker units packed separately. This enables all necessary parts to be unpacked in the order of installation.
To provide an easy indication of whether the audio signal is reaching the loudspeaker, the speakers also include provision for mounting an optional line supervision board for line-integrity monitoring or a speaker-supervision board for monitoring correct loudspeaker operation.