G&D to implement Java-free KVM configuration tool

German KVM manufacturer Guntermann & Drunck has announced a completely Java-free configuration tool for its KVM systems. The new Config Panel is a web-based application interacting with an embedded client within the G&D hardware device and does not require any external software installation on the source computers.

In addition, the company plans to completely detach itself from Java based configuration across its entire product range and is now the first KVM manufacturer to offer its users even more security for every current product series.

In addition, the new Config Panel improves upon operational usability, making the tool more intuitive and easy to use. The tool also includes features such as setup and update wizards for complex installations, which makes configuring KVM devices easier and reduces installation time. With the ability to configure groups and therefore copy console settings and apply them to another device, the new Config Panel is faster to use. To enhance user-friendliness, G&D has added functions such as a multilingual glossary and context-related help. Additionally, through the use of explanatory graphics and animations, operation is more intuitive and the revised menu structure ensures a clear overview. This allows system administrators to know where they are at all times within the application and to not get lost in the configuration menu structure.

G&D will implement the new Config Panel incrementally across all of its systems with availability for all current KVM extenders, switches and matrix systems, soon.

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