Evoko Room Manager

The Evoko Room Manager is a room booking system that displays booking status clearly outside a meeting room on touch-sensitive screens. Meetings can be booked through Microsoft Outlook, via the touch panel or remotely online.

What do you use the Evoko Room Manager for?
At our head office in Sweden we have Evoko units installed outside each of our six conference rooms. They allow us to book the rooms in question and the unit clearly indicates when a room is in use.

What do you like about it?
Before Evoko you never knew whether the rooms were booked. Now, it is so convenient and saves a great deal of time. You can see immediately if a room is booked and it’s easy to reserve rooms as well.

It now feels like you’re directly connected to the conference and meeting rooms. When you book a meeting in Microsoft Outlook it will immediately reserve the room. It’s easy to find rooms that are not booked and, if you haven’t reserved a space you know immediately on arriving at the room if it is in use as well as when the next meeting is scheduled for.

There’s no confusion as to who has booked a room and rooms never sit empty because people believe they are in use.

However, it’s not just the functionality that we like so much. When customers visit us it looks very professional and provides a positive impression.

We’ve also noticed that the rooms are left in a much better state than before we had the Evoko system. When the people who book and use the rooms know their presence is recorded they tend to tidy up after themselves.

Uptime is important too. There’s no point having a system like this if it doesn’t work half the time. We were one of the first companies to install Evoko and we’ve never had a problem.

What would you change?
I think the next step would be for the unit to interact with the technology in the room. If you booked the room it would be great if you could upload your PowerPoint or presentation within the booking and then use it in the room. That way you wouldn’t need a computer and all the necessary files will be send directly to the correct room.

In Use
The Evoko system makes our offices seem more professional and I can’t imagine not having it now. It’s connected to the Internet and our Outlook and even if I’m not in the office I can log in remotely and reserve a meeting space. Also, if you’re in a meeting and it’s running over you simply extend the meeting by one hour or so. If this interferes with another booking the system will let you know.

The touch interface is incredibly simple and intuitive, you don’t need any training or instruction. It’s actually very similar to my iPhone, if you can use an iPhone you can use Evoko.

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