Duran Audio bolsters Invellivox PA/VA

Duran Audio has designed its AXYS Intellivox ADC Mark II range for use in 70v/100v Public Address and Voice Alarm (PA/VA) systems.

The units are EN54:24 approved for both indoor and outdoor use (EN54:24 - Type B) and can be driven by the AXYS IndustryAmp range of DSP controlled 70V/100V multichannel amplifiers.

Duran will show off the product alongside its ABF260/100W loudspeaker for tunnels. It boasts a 100W driver, new injection moulded construction and improved ingress protection.

The unit has a modular design which allows the height to be reduced in tunnels where the vehicle envelope is very close to the tunnel ceiling. The ABF was designed for use with the AXYS IndustryAmp range of DSP controlled 70V/100V multichannel amplifiers, which provide all the delay and signal processing required for tunnel systems.

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