DBTechnologies will unveil new products, including the upgraded Opera DX line, at this year's Prolight & Sound exhibition, March 21 to 24.
The company will return to its 780m² booth space in Hall 8, G70 shared with cousin brand RCF.
Opera DX has been augmented with in-house developed digiproG2 power amps.
The company is targeting rental and installation with three new DVA Subs. The DVA S1521N is a powered 21" subwoofer, housed in a bass reflex enclosure and boasting 1500W RMS power. The DVA S2585N is a compact subsystem featuring a cardioid layout designed for utmost directivity.
All the new subs are driven by high performance digiproG2 Class-D digital power amps, equipped with PFC switched-mode power supplies and are compatible and ready for integration with DVA T12 systems.