Crystal Vision has launched its profanity delay system, the M-Cleanit, designed to prevent the broadcasting of unwanted/offensive video and audio material.
Capable of working in IP and SDI environments, the M-Cleanit can be customised for a variety of workflows, including control from a ‘smart button’ box and separate reaction controls to event and restore.
The profanity device includes switching to two different video sources or a web page, blurring video, showing black or blue colour bars, muting individual audio channels and switching to another audio source.
An IP or SDI live content stream can be delayed by up to 600 frames: 24 seconds in 1080i50, 20 seconds in 1080i59.94, 12 seconds in 720p50/1080p50 and 10 seconds in 1080p59.94.
The M-Cleanit software app runs on the Marble-V1 media processor hardware, a card which provides a CPU/GPU processor with both SDI and 10GbE IP network interface connections housed in the Vision frame.
All ‘cleaning’ features are user configured and can be individually controlled, with eight cover options to prevent unwanted video from being broadcast.
Web pages can be stored on a web server or can e stored in the Vision 3 frame, with operators able to choose to blur the programme video with a variable user-defined blur amount and a blur fade time of up to ten seconds.