Clear-Com ships Gen-IC: cloud based virtual intercom

Clear-Com’s Gen-IC Virtual Intercom that leverages cloud-based communication technology is available now.

It can integrate with existing hardware ecosystems or function as a standalone software. Its scalability allows users to add virtual clients as needed, with the flexibility to integrate with Clear-Com's hardware infrastructure over LAN, WAN, and the Internet.

Gen-IC's unique application can be deployed on selectable regional targets, ensuring minimal latency and seamless communication for mission-critical productions. Clear-Com says field trials have demonstrated exceptional reliability and audio quality, even in demanding scenarios.

Gen-IC Virtual Intercom is designed to be user-friendly, using Clear-Com's acclaimed virtual clients such as the Agent-IC mobile app and Station-IC virtual desktop client. Integration with hardware ecosystems is seamless through Clear-Com's LQ Series of IP Interfaces, streamlining setup and eliminating the need for additional interfacing requirements.

Gen-IC and the Station-IC and Agent-IC companion apps sport AES-128 encryption to ensure reliable and secure communications between various endpoints.

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