CIE-Group has announced the launch of CYP’s new Modular HDBaseT Matrices – a range of 8 and 16 channel units for both HDMI and VGA converged signal distribution.
Fully modular, the new CYP HDBaseT Matrices offer a wide range of pre-configured choices, including 16x16, 8x16 and 16x8 input/output variations with input modules for either HDMI or VGA sources, or a mixture of both.
They are also available as either full HDBaseT 5Play or HDBaseT Lite versions. The former provides control and distribution of up to 16 HDMI or VGA channels, plus 2-Way IR control, RS-232 integration, 100BaseT Ethernet and Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) – transmitting all signals simultaneously over single Cat5e/6/7 cable up to 100 metres.