Brompton Technology LED processing to power Sony’s Crystal LED Verona for virtual production

Brompton Technology has announced that Tessera LED processing systems is to power Sony’s new Crystal LED Verona.

The ED displays are specially developed for virtual production applications, catering to the market's demand for background LEDs for In-Camera VFX (ICVFX) for drama, cinema, commercial filming, music video and other type of creative productions.

The new Sony P1.56mm and P2.31mm LED panels feature a number of innovations, including a newly developed Deep Black and Anti-Reflection Surface Technology. Rigorous testing was conducted using Sony's flagship Venice cinema cameras, in conjunction with the Virtual Production Tool Set plugin for Unreal Engine, announced in April. 

“The decision to select Tessera LED solutions for the Crystal LED panels is because we consider Brompton Technology to be a leader for LED video processors in the virtual production industry,” says Yosuke Nakano, general manager of the LDS product planning dept, Co-creation strategy & development division at Sony Corporation. "Brompton has been very supportive, and our engineers have been collaborating closely with their technical team on this project."

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