Bosch has released version 4.8 of its Building Integration System (BIS) which offers safe, touchless access to curb the spread of viruses like Covid-19. BIS 4.8 supports biometric and mobile device authentication and provides building managers enhanced integration of fire panels and intrusion panels.
In light of the global coronavirus pandemic, building operators need to rethink access control. Instead of systems that require physical touch and thereby increase the risk of virus transmission, contactless solutions that still meet the highest security guidelines are preferable.
In response to these requirements, BIS 4.8 expands on the trusted features and benefits of version 4.7 to now work with three different touchless systems that safeguard personal health:
• Face recognition. BIS 4.8 has been redesigned to work with the face recognition solution from Idemia. The face recognition device obtains a biometric scan from a safe distance and matches facial features with credentials in an encrypted database. Doors and gates open via the BIS Access Engine and the Bosch Access Modular Controller (AMC2).
• Touchless fingerprint readers. Integrated with Idemia’s Morphowave reader, BIS 4.8 controls access via a touchless fingerprint scan. A simple wave of the hand in front of the touchless sensor triggers a 3D scan of four fingers. Access rights are confirmed within less than one second by the system's fingerprint database for a clean and highly secure system.
• Access via mobile phones. In conjunction with the mobile access control products from STid and HID, BIS 4.8 allows users to use their mobile phone instead of a card for access at the secure reader. For STid’s Mobile ID, the method requires a STid reader, while a Bosch Lectus secure reader works with HID’s Mobile Access product. Users only need to install an app to verify access rights and use the safe, wireless technology.
Aside from facilitating contactless access, all three solutions are also intuitive, quick and convenient compared to keycards and similar methods as there is no need to carry an access card or remember a password in order to gain entry to a building or area.