Barco has announced the launch of OpSpace, a control room system to provide simple access to multiple displays on one workspace.
Based on customer feedback, Barco has developed a new operator workspace system, focused on the needs of the operators themselves.
OpSpace enables operators to be more efficient by integrating viewing and control over standard IP networks with low latency. This creates a single workspace for viewing, monitoring and interacting with a myriad of remote PCs.
By maintaining network isolation and security, OpSpace enables an operator to view and operate multiple clients that reside on multiple networks with different security clearances or liability concerns. This is especially useful for legacy systems or networks that need to be legally or operationally separate but managed by one operator – in other words, OpSpace provides pixel/visual level integration or ‘blending at the glass level’.
All relevant information can be consulted and manipulated within a single pixel space, with just one mouse and keyboard, with freely moveable windows across multiple displays and a large number of signals per display (high-density decoding). In this way, the operator is at the center of the information and has all data within easy reach – even from secure networks, thanks to the ‘blending at the glass level’ concept.
Barco’s OpSpace integrates all applications into a single workspace consisting of multiple displays on the operator’s desk. With just one click, the operator can call any application into a work area positioned in front of him or her. The operator can then interact with this application while maintaining an overview of the other sources still present in his/her peripheral vision. This provides a more ergonomic and intuitive way of working, contributing to lower stress levels and better decision-making.
Because security is essential in control room environments, Barco’s OpSpace provides secure access across multiple domains, integrating only at the presentation layer. Operators are also physically separated from the back-end systems that host the content, so that the system complies with governmental regulations and corporate requirements.