Barco has launched its Nio Color 2MP HB, a 2 MegaPixel high-bright display system for dependable diagnostic viewing of color or grayscale images.
The product offers a high-bright LCD panel with a 1600x1200 resolution. It has a DICOM calibrated luminance of 400 cd/m² and is suitable for multi-modality diagnostic imaging. The Nio Color 2MP HB offers unrivalled color accuracy, accurate grayscales, a high contrast ratio (1050:1) and a 176° viewing angle to ensure confident image reading. As part of the Nio family, the new 2MP colour display comes with integrated Backlight Output Stabilization technology, ensuring fast power-up and long-term luminance stability.
Additionally, the Nio Color 2MP HB is compatible with Barco's latest generation of high-performance MXRT display controllers, ensuring higher bandwidth, easy installation and fast communication. It features AMD FirePro technology for high-speed image rendering, MXRT display controllers support the latest 3D CT, MR and PET applications. And it offers full compatibility with Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 7 is ensured.
Barco's Nio Color 2MP HB is bundled with the industry's leading QA solution - MediCal QAWeb solution. This online solution guarantees continuous diagnostic quality of the display by providing automated DICOM calibration, Quality Assurance, asset management, issue solving and advanced reporting. Furthermore, the Nio Color 2MP HB complies with all currently available international QA standards and guidelines.
To protect the high-bright LCD panel against damage from intensive use in clinical environments, the Nio Color 2MP HB features a protective front cover. Its non-reflective coating reduces reflections, improving the overall diagnostic experience.