Barco joins HDBaseT Alliance, releases projector

Barco will be the newest addition to the HDBaseT Alliance and in addition is launching the Orion Cinemascope projector which will be HDBaseT compliant.

The projector utilized single chip DLP technology and combines native cinemascope aspect ratio (2560 x 1080) resolution with active stereo 3D and high frame rates.

The Orion Cinemascope projector uses 78 percent more pixels for a 2:37:1 ratio when compared with a standard 1080p projector, by expanding both width and height uniformly. The HDBaseT input gives the product more flexibility and versatility in terms of the scenarios where the projector can be efficiently deployed. The projector can either table of ceiling mounted, up to a 100m distance from source equipment.

Tim Sinnaeve of Barco speaks about the possible applications for the projector: “By integrating HDBaseT into the unit’s design, we bring increased flexibility and simplicity to home installations, and enlarge the market potential for the unit.”

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