AVer Europe launches mechanical arm visualiser

AVer Europe has released its mechanical arm visualiser, the M17-13M, to the UK market, designed to be used in education applications.

The M17-13M features a 13-megapixel camera, 35.2X total zoom and full HD quality, with the visualiser operating as a document camera. 

The visualiser’s onboard annotation capability allows users to add notes, highlight information or add captions to presentation material, featuring an adjustable head and neck which allows the visualiser to rotate, swivel, expand and collapse for a variety of angles to display presentation materials such as paper or 3D models. 

The M17-13M offers live video at 60fps and features a one touch recording function, allowing users to record lessons to review or to provide to absent students or substitute teachers. 

Users can also live stream video to enable classes to be held remotely. 
The M17-13M is bundled with AVer’s A+ suite classroom software for visualisers and features a five-year warranty. 

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