AV workflow management platform Sirvez updates features

Sirvez, a workflow management tool for system integrators, has introduced a number of new features as it moves into its next stage of development and begins accepting customers.

Sirvez manages all elements of customer integrations, and simplifies the entire process from site survey and costings to project sign off and customer feedback, offering a single, unified platform that can be used by all stakeholders to ensure a consistent process for all.

New additions include:

QR codes – QR codes make it easy to manage and track products, or groups of products, no matter the size of the project. By adding a code to each product you can check it into a location and track when it’s been installed and commissioned, keeping all the information in one central, accessible location. Codes can also be used by customers to bring up product details and easily raise helpdesk tickets.

Proof of delivery – With Sirvez it is possible to upload proof of delivery from third parties. If a product is delivered to site direct from the supplier, it’s simply a case of scanning it in as delivered. The recipient can then log a photo of where it’s being stored, the date of delivery and a signature. This ensures complete visibility of the status of the product and means the customer can always see how the project is progressing.

Version control – Sirvez users can now track document/schematic or spreadsheet changes, so they can see who made them and when. Users can also put notes against their changes, explaining what has been updated and the reasons for the change.

Timesheets – It is now possible to use Sirvez to create timesheets for all engineering resources and assign to a customer. Whenever a task is open, a sub task is completed or an entry added to the calendar, a time allocation is added to the customer and the engineering resource. 

Sign-off – Sign-off is also streamlined with the ability to attach testing forms to products, upload images and videos and mark as complete. Downloadable PDF and XLS files with all the product commissioning data are accessible via the customer portal. 

Helpdesk – Sirvez continues to add value to a project once the installation is complete. One way it does this is through the Helpdesk feature, which makes it easy to manage products installed via phone, via the Sirvez portal or via email. In addition, end users can now scan the QR code on any defective equipment to log an issue. 

Uniquely with Sirvez, tickets can be allocated to different pools as per the SLA with the client, helping integrators to respond within the allotted timeframe. All the information on every element of the project is readily available for helpdesk personnel to view, delivering a more personalised and streamlined support experience.

Service contracts: Integrators benefit from the ability to more easily provide accurate pricing for service contracts as all the information on the client, the products installed, dates of testing and so on are already in the system.

Lee Moss, Sirvez founder, said: “It’s been a busy time at Sirvez over the past few years as we’ve been through over 600 iterations to further improve workflows. We’ve released, observed, re-engineered based on feedback and updated the production version, spending over £100,000 on development since the first lockdown to ensure this production-ready version is ready to go in time for when the lockdown ends."


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