Audinate adaptors bring legacy kit into Dante networks

Audinate has introduced the Dante AVIO a family of endpoint adapters connect legacy analogue and digital audio equipment to Dante networks.

The series features six adapters including line-in and line-out analogue adapters, a bi-directional AES3/EBU adapter and a bi-directional stereo USB adapter. 

Each Dante AVIO adapter acts as an independent Dante network device. The devices can transmit uncompressed audio streams over long distances. 

The Dante AVIO Analog adapters are available as dedicated inputs or outputs with one or two channels of audio. Analog input adapters allow mixers, mic preamps, stage DIs and more to connect to a Dante audio network, while analogue output adapters are suitable for driving amplifiers, powered speakers or recorders. Signal routes are managed via Dante Controller software.

The Dante AVIO USB adapter connects computers to Dante audio networks without additional software. It is suited to use in presentations and conference rooms and may be passed between computers without altering networked audio connections.

The Dante AVIO AES3 adapter provides stereo input and output, preserving investments in AES3-connected DSPs, mixers, compressors, preamps and more.

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