Vision counters supply chain disruption with website stock level display

Vision counters supply chain disruption with website stock level display
Vision has announced that its website now displays stock availability KPI and real-time stock levels in a bid to counter supply chain disruption.

Vision’s order fulfilment performance is reportedly running currently at an LIFR (line item fulfil rate) of 92%

Vision is bucking the trend for long AV product wait times, with order fulfilment performance running currently at an LIFR of 92%, showing that 92% of orders placed are made when stock is available for immediate shipment. 

Stuart Lockhart, director, Vision, commented: “Because we are transparent on stock levels, we display how many units are available on product pages on the Vision website. 

“Having stock levels displayed on our website for everyone to see, helps everyone. Integrators can plan and deliver projects while buyers, whether they be systems integrators or their end-user customers, re able to source suitable products for their installation during project planning or to source alternatives for unavailable products.”

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