Tripleplay appoints partner for Germany

Tripleplay appoints partner for Germany
Tripleplay has appointed German company Medientechnik Thomas based in Siegen (NRW), part of the Hess Bürowelt group, as an authorised partner of Tripleplay Services.

The agreement will see Medientechnik Thomas deliver Tripleplay’s single-platform Digital Signage, IPTV and video streaming solution in Germany.

Martin Flemming, country manager for Tripleplay, said: “The experienced project management and top trained staff of Medientechnik Thomas GmbH will help us to expand our business in Germany.”

Uwe Thomas, managing director of Medientechnik Thomas, added: “The flexible and professional solutions of Tripleplay Services were decisive in deciding to become a partner. I am sure we will carry out many more successful projects together.”

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