RGB has undergone an image overhaul and introduced its new brand, which includes a great looking new website.
Chairman, Gordon Innocent explains, “RGB was established in 1991, when laser discs were all the rage, when Sharp launched the first LCD wall-mounted colour TV and the world waited with baited breath for the advent of Dolby Digital Surround Sound. We’ve come a long way since then, and at RGB we’re proud to have been at the forefront of these developments.
Nineteen years on, we’re still as passionate about our products and the world they live in as we were back then. But over the last few years, the industry and quite a number of the brands we were known for have changed, so as such we felt the time is right for us to clarify who we are and what we do.
"Our core values remain the same; we are a service driven value add organisation and our technical expertise is second to none, but the RGB brand now effectively reflects the modern, advancing technologies with which we work. The website (www.rgbcomms.co.uk) is incredibly easy to navigate and provides concise product information."
Dealers are encouraged to contact RGB for access to the dealer area for all latest offers and trade tips.
Gordon concludes, “This is only phase one of the project; there are many more exciting developments come, so watch this space!”