Sony displays overhaul working experience at Erasmus MC medical centre

Sony displays overhaul working experience at Erasmus MC medical centre
Erasmus MC University Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, turned to a Sony display solution to encourage standardised collaboration across the facility.

Replacing a variety of brands used in lobbies and operating rooms, Erasmus worked with Schaay AV, specifying Sony products for 24/7 operation of digital functions.

Erasmus now uses Sony’s 55-in BZ40 Professional BRAVIA displays in the communal areas of the facility to communicate information to patients and employees.

The meeting rooms and operating features are equipped with a variety of 65-in, 75-in and 85-in BZ40 series displays. The meeting rooms are used for both internal and external Microsoft Teams meetings as well as meetings between other hospitals and for sharing information between shift workers.

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