Sensavis AB joins the Future Classroom Lab

Sensavis AB joins the Future Classroom Lab
Swedish firm Sensavis AB and its 3D Classroom are now part the European Schoolnet initiative The Future Classrooms Lab.

The Future Classroom Lab is supported by 30 ministries and industry partners to help visualise how conventional classrooms and other learning spaces can be easily reorganised to support changing styles of teaching and learning.

Sensavis’ product, the fully interactive 3D software The 3D Classroom, will now be available for visitors at The Future Classroom Lab in Brussels.

“The Future Classroom Lab (FCL) at European Schoolnet serves as an inspirational learning environment, challenging visitors to rethink the role of pedagogy, technology and design in their classrooms,” said Marc Durando, executive director of European Schoolnet.
“We are able to offer teachers, policy makers and other stakeholders the opportunity to explore the essential elements of 21st century learning, such as the skills and roles of students and teachers, learning styles, current and emerging technology and societal trends affecting education. We are very happy to welcome Sensavis as a new member of the FCL and are looking forward to integrate Sensavis product The 3D Classroom in our training workshops for teachers and briefings for policy makers.”

Andreas Kirsebom, vice president of business development at Sensavis AB, said: “We know, based on our customer feedback from the Nordics and UK, that The 3D Classroom has a positive impact on motivation and learning in the classroom, at all schools and for all ages of students. “We see this partnership as an excellent opportunity to present our fully interactive 3D software for teachers, policy makers and other stakeholders in Brussels and to show what positive effect is has in classrooms across the region.”

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