Hands on demos, presentations and case studies featured when Salzbrenner Stagetec Audio Video Mediensysteme, the Mediagroup’s Systems Integrator, hosted its HighTecDay on March 2, 2016.
The company’s third event drew an international audience and staged discussions on mobile and flexible audio technology for conferences and meetings (Sennheiser), efficient new workflows in networks (Salzbrenner/Polaris Evolution), managed services for the AV media sector (Crestron), setting up a Dante network (Delec), and the future of fibre-optic networks with Nexus (Stage Tec). An introduction to L-Acoustics’ current product portfolio rounded off the presentations.
Rainer Hettwer, project manager at the systems integrator, said: “The number of requests we received from companies expressing an interest in exhibiting their products or giving a presentation during the HighTecDay was surprisingly high. Our challenge was to select companies, products and themes which would serve up a complementary and balanced blend of the latest trends while providing the technical depth to appeal to a specialist audience.”
Highlights from presented case studies included Johannes Boehner, BWKI Bayreuth, discussing the Salzbrenner project at Bruckner University in Linz (Austria). Later, Oleg Surgutschow from the Zurich Opera House discussed 3D audio technology for contemporary opera performances using the production of “Hamletmaschine” as an example.