ROE Visual adds four experienced staff for LED push

ROE Visual adds four experienced staff for LED push
LED display provider ROE Visual has strengthened its team to execute its growth plans for 2018. The new hires include Tony van Moorleghem, who has over 25 years of experience in global operations, customer service and product marketing with European, US and Chinese companies.

As director product management, van Moorleghem will be responsible for building a new product management organisation for ROE Visual, expanding the product portfolio and custom product development division.

ROE Visual has also added Claude Ostyn, Marina Prak and Dries Vermeulen to its team.

Dries Vermeulen has two decades of experience in servicing and supporting LED display and video processing systems for Barco and VER.

Claude Ostyn has 20 years experience of designing, developing and managing products for the entertainment industry in general and for LED display technology.

Marina Prak has over 35 years of experience in the entertainment industry, of which nearly 20 years in marketing. As marketing manager for ROE Visual Europe, Prak will be responsible for supporting and growing the ROE Visual brand in Europe and the Middle East.

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