Revolabs launches CORE reseller program

Revolabs launches CORE reseller program
Revolabs Inc has announced the launch of its European CORE Reseller Program, which rewards the company's key partners based on their sales growth and dedication to the company’s wireless audio solutions. Five valued UK integrators have already joined the program.

Marc Cremer, Revolabs COO, said: “With this new program, Revolabs is looking to help our partners by providing the necessary tools and benefits to distinguish their business from the competition, increase their revenues, as well as further establish our presence across the European market to better support our global customer base.”

Revolabs' European CORE Reseller Program was launched to support the growing business in Europe and to recognize the commitment made by integrators who have helped introduce and deploy Revolabs technology around the territories. Keen to work with Revolabs to help grow their business with Revolabs' products and technology, the first five U.K. integrators that have already joined the program are Saville Audio Visual Ltd., Electrosonic, AVI-SPL, Orion Audio Visual Limited, and Reflex Limited.

CORE Reseller members receive a number of unique benefits, including deal registration, presales technical and design support, qualified leads, a field engineer "health check" for corporate customers, increased access to demonstration products, and more.

In order to qualify for the European CORE Reseller Program, partners must maintain a pre-established minimum annual revenue target, have at least one Revolabs certified technician on hand at all times, agree to a quarterly business review, host sales and engineering training events, and have a proactive involvement in joint case studies, PR, and social media opportunities for customer wins and promotions.

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