Protestors project Ukrainian flag on Russian Embassy

Protestors project Ukrainian flag on Russian Embassy
A battle of lights broke out on the Russian Embassy in Washington D.C. last week as anti-war activists projected the Ukrainian flag onto the building.

Russian embassy staff unsuccessfully tried to wash out the blue and yellow colours of the flag, chasing the projection with a bright white spotlight. The game of cat and mouse between the protestors and the spotlight operator at the embassy reportedly lasted four hours.


US news outlet NPR reported that Benjamin Wittes, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute, was one of the lead demonstrators in the protest against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In an interview published on the NPR website Wittes described the Russian Embassy in Washington as “a big projection screen”, perfect for staging the protest.

NPR said Wittes worked with Phil Ateto, an organiser with the Backbone Campaign, who was instrumental in gathering the equipment for the protest.

Fourteen lights as well as generators were used for the protest with the NPR report saying rental company Atmophere Lighting lent the lighting free of charge with the company’s equipment rental manager, Keith Gifford, in full support of the demonstration.

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