NanoLumens updates integrator partner program with sales incentives

NanoLumens updates integrator partner program with sales incentives
NanoLumens has introduced a new multi-level systems integrator channel partner program that offers level-specific benefits and sales incentives.

"NanoLumens has forged solid working relationships with some of the world’s leading systems integration companies, including AVI-SPL, Diversified, Ford AV, HB Communications, Sensory Technologies and Whitlock," NanoLumens director of distribution and partner channel Americas Tony Barton said.

"We are now ready to build upon the success achieved with these channel partners with the introduction of a program that offers Gold and Platinum levels of participation with specific benefits and incentives attached to each."

According to Barton, these benefits and incentives include better pricing, volume rebates, payment terms and discounted shipping based on each integration firm’s level of participation. 

"We currently work with about 30 integration partners, with whom we have developed very successful relationships that have resulted in repeat business with current clients and new business with clients who did not think they could afford to make LED based visualisation a part of their system solution. Our goal is to carefully expand this partner network with other firms that share the same values we do: a commitment to creative thinking, outstanding design and engineering, expert installation and total post-installation customer support."

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