In an article published by Meta's VP of Remote Presence (Maher Saba) on Venturebeat, it has emerged the tech group is developing AR tools for integration within video calling software.
Meta (owners of Facebook) is currently developing what it is calling Group Effects: interactive, real-time augmented reality (AR) effects that invite people to share moments together through collaborative experiences
In the article Saba outlines what AR can bring to video meeting technology; "To activate an AR effect on one screen, transform, and interact that effect between screens and people on a video call, is a new AR experience that creates a shared connection – the feeling we get when we’re actually in the same room with other people, seeing something unfold before our own eyes. Unlike average AR effects of the past that have largely been one-way broadcasting, these new interactive, real-time effects for video calling allow people to truly connect. They can even be the reason to get on a video call — to play, laugh, or celebrate together and form a new bonding experience for the people involved.
"Everyday people who want to feel closer to those they communicate with in real-time, AR experiences are reinventing video calling – breaking people out of “boxes” on a screen to enable more dynamic experiences. With interactive and instant AR, however, experiences become more intimate. While these are meant for smaller groups, they inherently inspire more engaged, personal connection, with people participating together through play, bite-sized experiences and conversation starters in real time.
"It’s still early days, but we believe using AR in this context will both help people feel more comfortable turning on their cameras and encourage them to connect while making interactive layers a new normal. In the not-so-distant future, AR will not just be a feature of video calls, it will be a reason people are making video calls in the first place. As we look to this new frontier in AR, taking us beyond asynchronous short-video capture to real-time interactions that enhance the way people connect in a personal way, we’re excited to see what else lies ahead, like a use case for innovative products like AR glasses.
"Video calling has become an integral part of our lives, but it often leaves us wishing for more of the connection we get when we spend quality time with people in the same physical location. Real-time AR can help bridge that gap, and while nothing can replace getting together in person, we can help people feel close, making it as connective of an experience as possible."