MECIA networking breakfast attracts regional players

MECIA networking breakfast attracts regional players
Almost a hundred AV community members gathered for a networking breakfast held to coincide with the GITEX show in Dubai.

The Tuesday morning of GITEX saw almost a hundred members of the region’s pro AV community gather at the Fairmont Hotel in Dubai for a networking breakfast hosted by MECIA.

The Middle East Communications Industries Association is a not for profit Trade Association established within the Dubai Technology Media and Free zone Authority. It is designed to promote the adoption of professional standards within the broadcast and ProAV industries throughout the Middle East and Africa.

Members and non-members from South Africa, Nigeria, The UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia as well as visiting representatives of various manufacturers met before the show opened to exchange ideas and business cards. They were also treated to a presentation describing the proceedings of the recent InfoComm AV 100 event, given by George Puthenkulam of consultancy Mindserve.

MECIA executive director Kevan Jones commented: “With 85 attendees this was one of our most successful events for quite a while. The strong turnout really highlights the value of a local Association like ours. Special thanks go to Mindserve, Omnix International and the PALME show for sponsoring our event.”

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