Magewell joins Q-Sys Technology Partner Program

Magewell joins Q-Sys Technology Partner Program
Magewell has joined the Q-Sys Technology Partner Program, this will enable the manufacturer to create market-ready systems that integrate with Q-Sys, a cloud-manageable audio, video and control platform.

The first result of the initiative -- the Q-SYS Control plugin for Magewell's USB Fusion video capture, mixing and presentation device -- has been endorsed with Q-SYS Certified status and is now available for download through the Q-SYS Designer Asset Manager found in Q-SYS Designer Software.

The initial release of the Magewell USB Fusion plugin for Q-SYS supports basic source switching and scene layout capabilities. All functionality available through the front-panel buttons on the USB Fusion hardware can be replicated inside Q-SYS Designer Software. Support for additional USB Fusion features is planned for a future update of the plugin.

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