Lab.gruppen acquisition is ’˜significant step’

Lab.gruppen acquisition is ’˜significant step’
Lab.gruppen was celebrating a boost to its technology offering after the acquisition of Lake trademarks and exclusive rights for use of Dolby Lake Processor (DLP) technology from Dolby Laboratories.

“DLP technology”, used in the PLM Series, will be called “Lake technology” or “Lake Processing” and the Dolby Lake Controller will become “Lake Controller software”. New versions of the software are tipped to be compatible with stand-alone DLPs and PLM Series products.

Lake technology is used in several products including the original Lake products, Mesa Quad EQ and Contour; the Dolby Lake Processor from Dolby Laboratories and PLM Series Powered Loudspeaker Management systems. Specifically, this agreement allows Lab.gruppen to further develop the Lake Controller software and firmware and to utilise the Lake brand name and allied technologies in Lab.gruppen-branded and stand-alone products for use in the touring and permanent sound reinforcement markets. Lab.gruppen has secured exclusive access to the source code and algorithms for these, a move that will allow the company to create further generations of the programs for use with existing Dolby Lake Processors and with the company’s PLM Series of Powered Loudspeaker Management systems.

Tomas Lija, managing director of Lab.gruppen believes it is a significant step for the company. “Having the exclusive rights to the Lake technology in these markets allows Lab.gruppen to continue developing the Lake software and firmware for use in our own products and all the thousands of DLPs out there,” he said.

“We see this as very important to the future growth of Lab.gruppen. Although the Lake brand will be developed separately from Lab.gruppen, the technology will have its own life within our organisation. Lake technology will form the backbone of all future iterations of our unique Powered Loudspeaker Management systems. We are also very aware of the demand for stand-alone processing and assessing this market is high on our agenda. We are hoping that, through our support of the existing DLP user base – with software updates and new features - and via the increasing number of PLM customers, we can swiftly research new product development possibilities,” he added.

John Carey, vice president of worldwide sales, products and services at Dolby Laboratories, described Lab.gruppen as a trusted partner of Dolby.

“As we pass the live sound torch to Lab.gruppen we are confident that they will continue to innovate and evolve the technology and brand many have grown to love in this industry,” he said.

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