Kramer announces strategic agreement with EventBoard

Kramer announces strategic agreement with EventBoard
Kramer Electronics has entered into a strategic worldwide agreement to distribute the meeting schedule and display platform from EventBoard.

EventBoard is a subscription-based software as a service (SaaS), enterprise-grade Cloud management system. 

The EventBoard partnership represents Kramer’s first entry into SaaS, which Kramer believes will become a big part of an IT evolved and converged Pro AV market.
The EventBoard distribution agreement is part of a new strategic direction for Kramer and represents a focus on more enterprise AV/IT systems for the converged Pro AV market.
"We see that the AV and IT worlds are merging and we are prepared to offer the market enterprise-grade solutions which help customers become more productive and to offer our channel partners additional business opportunities," said Aviv Ron, VP strategy and business development at Kramer.

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