IWB market hits $1 billion

IWB market hits $1 billion
A Futuresource Report has put a $1bn price tag on the Interactive Whiteboard market, noting that two vendors boast a 70% share.

The report claims that Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) have become the dominant classroom display solution, and in 2009 became a $1 billion (€0.8 billion) industry.

Futuresource claims that the massive market is attracting new and larger organisations to look at the space, noting that interactive flat panel displays and interactive projectors are both starting to feature in the classroom.

“Both these technologies have the capacity to significantly alter the shape of the classroom display space, attracting huge multinational electronics vendors with their wealth of resources and appetite for new markets,” said Futuresource in a statement.

Existing IWB vendors should, however, benefit from years of knowledge and understanding. Moreover, these vendors have spent many years developing relationships with central, regional and district governments, which are often the drivers of ICT in the classroom.

Futuresource believes new display technologies will impact the market, but questions how fast that impact will be.

Key areas the report covers:

  • Overview of the current market situation - existing technology, market size, key players, class penetration, route to market and opportunities.
  • Hardware landscape and future considerations - cost structures, usage issues, impact of alternative display technologies.
  • Content and software - the impact of new entrants (hardware and software) on incumbent business models and software licensing structures.
  • Installation issues - impact of IFPD on areas such as transportation, insurance, resource, speed, classroom architecture, etc.
  • Roll out scenarios - scenarios and volume forecasts developed with particular focus on cost matrix and software licensing models.

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