InAVate’s top 12 of ’˜09

InAVate’s top 12 of ’˜09
Whether it’s TV wallpaper, 1mm thick flexi-screens or paper-thin speakers; throughout 2009 we’ve delivered information on the cutting edge of technology developments in the AV market. We’ve asked is Blu-ray about to be superseded? Will LCD get left behind by a brand new display technology? Will OLED become as cheap as newsprint? And, as the year draws to a close we’ve taken the opportunity to highlight 12 of our most popular stories of 2009 – one for each of the 12 days of Christmas.

1, Bosch sells off Midas & Klark Teknik
On December 8 Midas and Klark Teknik, business lines within Bosch Communications Systems, announced that the Music Group had been selected as their new long-term investment partner. The Music Group owns the Behringer brand as well as a number of other associated companies and is managed by Uli Behringer and Michael Deeb.
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2, LG and Samsung see through OLED
LG Display and Samsung Mobile Display demonstrated transparent OLED products at a Japanese electronics show. FPD International 2009, held October 28 to 30 in Yokohama City, saw LG unveil a 15” screen, probably the largest transparent OLED to date. Samsung revealed a 2” model, which joins its 4.3” version that was demonstrated at CES in January 2009.
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3, Display technology set to eclipse LCD
A display technology claimed to outperform LCD, OLED and plasma will hit the market next year, according to Texas based developer UniPixel. The colour display technology is said to be 60 per cent cheaper and ten times brighter than LCD screens. UniPixel develops the thin-film materials, branded under the name Opcuity, for use in Time Multiplexed Optical Shutter (TMOS) displays.
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4, OLED as cheap as newsprint
Forget about video ads in printed magazines, in the future newsagents' shelves and newspaper stands may be filled with complete video publications. Researchers from the Riken Center in Japan claim to have developed a technique that can manufacture OLED as cheaply as printing a newspaper. The development was announced by Japanese research organisation, Riken Research.
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5, 3D display cube creates images in real-time
Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology has unveiled a new handheld, 3D communications tool. The gCubik, developed by the NICT earlier in the year, reproduces 3D images, inside a 10cm-per-side cube, that are viewable without special glasses. Now, the gCubik+i can generate the images in real-time allowing them to be manipulated using touchscreen panels and on-board motion sensors.
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6, 3D displays hit supermarkets
Supermarkets throughout the Netherlands are set to roll out xyz 3D displays showing a new Pepsi advertisement. The 'Pepsi Foot Volley' campaign was converted into 3D by Zero Creative, 3D marketing and communications specialist. This 3D commercial is hoped to grab attention the attention of shoppers and promote the cola brand. Various objects jump out of the screen, towards the audience. The 3D image is perfectly visible without the need for 3D-glasses.
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7, Flexible screen is less than 1mm thick
When claims of a revolutionary 110”, highly flexible display, set to emerge from Georgia, USA, reached our ears InAVate caught up with the creator, Nanolumens. The company claims its giant portable display will be less than one millimetre thick and weigh no more than 45kg.
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8, Paper thin speakers aimed at signage applications
Talking posters are set to hit the streets as researchers from Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute aim to mass produce poster-size, paper thin speakers for just $20 (€15) each. Rolls of the paper speakers have already been produced in Taiwan and the Institute claims they will start to be used in cars from next year.
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9, Sony faces LED TV setback
Sony is facing a severe setback on its journey into LED TV due to white LED sourcing difficulties, according to recent reports from the Korea Times.
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10, Toshiba develops TV wallpaper
Toshiba unveiled “television wallpaper” at Tokyo’s annual International Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition, revealing that its scientists had used nanotechnology to create flexible paper capable of showing images. The revolutionary wall coverings, announced at the conference held February 18 – 20, are a result of a breakthrough in OLED technology that allows the paper to emit light.
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11, Bye bye Blu-ray?
Blu-ray could be set for extinction before it even takes off as researchers from the University of California publish details of a new disc that can store twenty times the data.
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12, Next generation LCD is super-thin
VC unveiled next-generation "super-thin" LCD technology at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. The company says that the significant reduction in thickness and weight allow much greater flexibility in the design and layout of commercial (and household) residential environments. The technology will be shown to selected guests in a private suite and will be demonstrated in the form of a 32" TV.
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